Here is part of one of the episodes:
[Please note: They can be and are profane!]
You get the gist of the story...
Here is part of one of the episodes:
[Please note: They can be and are profane!]
You get the gist of the story...
Tonight I watched a fairly recent episode of "Penn & Teller's B###s##t" on cable TV about the Mayan calendar. For those of you not familiar with their cable TV show, just let me say that they take zero prisoners and give no quarter to idiots.
During the show they interviewed several "experts" on the coming end of the world event that should be happening any minute. I live in Oregon where it rains a lot this time of the year and I noticed that at 12 midnight it did seem to pick up a little. But within a few minutes it had stopped completely. I am typing this at 1:45 AM on my computer, so we are already nearly two hours into doomsday and the power hasn't even gone off. Of course, there are 22 hours left in my day...
Back to Penn & Teller:
One "expert" ran a website, another had written a whole series of books about this day of doom, and another couple (also claiming to be experts) were on a field trip to Mexico to personally investigate a Mayan pyramid/temple. They were all clueless. They all managed to involve UFOs (and their drivers), dowsing, and numerology (one fellow kept climbing the steps of the pyramid trying to come up with a clue). ""Thirty-five steps. That must mean something!"
After watching that show, I felt more informed and knowledgeable about the subject. I can assure everyone that I will sleep tight tonight and will likely live long enough to open my Christmas presents on Tuesday.
That particular P&T show was followed by another in their series that focused on multi-level marketing. I kept thinking about something I read many years ago about one of the founders of Amway and how he happened to come up with his business plan. Originally he and his partner wanted to come up with new versions of products that everyone needed and used (soap, shoe polish, etc.) and then put their own private brand on them. When they approached store owners hardly any showed interest. After all they already had the name brands on the shelves. The story I heard mentioned that one of the founders had seen Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on doors and selling books and magazines. Fuller Brush and Hoover vacuum cleaner salesmen also went door to door. Jehovah's Witnesses were different - they did the work for nothing, only a promise of a future [heavenly] reward, and yet they were enthusiastic. They were not just selling a product, they were recruiting new members who would join them in selling more magazines. And thus Amway and its recruiting program was born.
I wish I had copies of those two shows that I could play for all of the JWs who visit my websites. Here you are, brothers and sisters, just like the crazies expecting the world to end on a particular day based on a stone calendar - except you believed in the end coming based on an ancient Egyptian pyramid and a dream of a bipolar ancient Babylonian King who destroyed a temple 20 years too late. And you are part of a multi-level scheme that doesn't make you a dime and only costs you money you can't afford.
Good on P&T. They also believe in magic, just like Sparlock...
ok, i'm crasy.
i think i'm going to take the plunge and start a blog.
any tips on decent free software?
What are you going to write about on your blog, JeffT?
during the past week, 17 different articles on various practices of jws and comments to those, have been published on the web page of the norwegian equivalent of the bbc, nrk:
in addition to this a special news programme with a discussion on sexual abuse and jw was broadcast on nrk2, and p1 contained an interview with an ex-jw on its weekly news summary programme.. it seems the expose is continuing..
For anyone interested, I've collected the bulk of the Norwegian press articles and have provided machine translated English versions on
I fully expect to hear from the NRK asking (or ordering) me to take these PDF versions down. I suggest that you read them as soon as possible.
as many of you know, i am the webmaster for several jw discussion websites.
as a rule, any new site i install and maintain uses wordpress as it's background operating system.. while working on the new website, i happened to upgrade to the latest version of wordpress.
i immediately noticed some serious issues.. i was able to work around most of them using plugins or my own ingenuity, but then i noticed a few new issues that i simply could not resolve on my own.. the folks are wordpress have been swamped with support forum hits from irate users that upgraded and the found their sites were not nearly as functional as before and in some cases (loading and inserting media) were not working at all.. wordpress 3.4.5 is the last stable version.
As many of you know, I am the webmaster for several JW discussion websites. As a rule, any new site I install and maintain uses Wordpress as it's background operating system.
While working on the new website, I happened to upgrade to the latest version of Wordpress. (v3.5). I immediately noticed some serious issues.
I was able to work around most of them using plugins or my own ingenuity, but then I noticed a few new issues that I simply could not resolve on my own.
The folks are Wordpress have been swamped with support forum hits from irate users that upgraded and the found their sites were not nearly as functional as before and in some cases (loading and inserting media) were not working at all.
Wordpress 3.4.5 is the last stable version. However, in order to retrograde back to an earlier version from 3.5 you have to use FTP and work directly on the server. You will also lose some functions temporarily and will have to go back in and redo some of your custom programming.
I can recognize that some of the more popular sites are using Wordpress. I suggest that you continue to do so as it is easy to work with and maintain compared to other publishing and blog formats. This does not necessarily apply to sites originating from (the free hosting site) - only stand alone sites on private servers.
For now DO NOT UPGRADE any of your existing sites to Wordpress 3. 5. If you are in the middle of creating a new site, go slowly and be very careful.
I expect Wordpress to have fixes released within the next few days. They are typically very responsive to user complaints.
well, this is an information from a certain forum (2ch) in japan.. according to that information, apparently, that is in the article of "awake!, july 2010. p.21".
in that article (awake!
july 2010), the tetragrammaton (yhwh) is drawn in the triangle.. but when looking carefully, a part of those hebrew is different.. .
Turn the graphic upside down and take another look. Now the three center characters can be read as "666."
I wonder if this is another case of someone in the WT art department taking a little license in order to send a subliminal message.
I didn't use to believe any of the subliminal crap that was being "exposed." Then I remember reading "Hidden Persuaders," by Vance Packard (first publshed in 1957; now released in a new version). Some of it was very obvious (preferred colors like red) and some was very subtle (faces in ice cubes or in backgrounds). I think a lot of companies and advertising firms who weren't using subliminal messaging actually moved in that direction after the book came out because they realized how potentially effective it could be to influence some people.
I noticed that the subliminal messaging really started in the WT shortly after that time. While many here will poo-poo the idea that the WT is using, or ever has used subliminal messaging as a corporate policy, I do believe that a few members of their art department may have snuck in some boogered graphics that they knew would get past the reviews of the old guys, especially the nearly blind Fred Franz.
no, that's not a line from a rude film.
it's the title of a brief article on page 3 of the latest february 2013 kingdom ministry, which reads as follows... .
"when sharing in field service, some publishers customarily stop at a certain time, perhaps at noon.
[Will just give most current JWs a reason for more coffee breaks and maybe add lunch in there too.]
8:45 Meet at Kingdom Hall for territory assignment, a few words of wisdom, read the Daily Text, and finish with a group prayer
9:00 Leave for territory. Located less than a mile a way, we'll have to take the long way around through the next suburb, to avoid heavy Saturday morning traffic. We'll do a couple of "not-at-home" revisits on vacant houses while in that area.
9:45 No one was home at the two vacant houses, although we knocked several times and waited on the porch for about 15 minutes hoping someone would answer the door. The fact that there were For Sale signs in the front yard, no curtains on the windows, and not a single light on inside, did not deter us from making the extra effort to preach the good news to whomever might still be there.
10:00 On our way back to our assigned territory, we stopped at Starbucks for coffee and a jelly-filled donut.
10:30 After we finished our coffee, we all had to visit the restroom.
10:45 We leave Starbucks and continue our trip back to the territory.
10:59 Arrive at territory
11:15 After determining which side of the street each couple will work, we begin our preaching work.
11:30 We've finished the first street. Only called on three or four houses on each side of the street. We skipped the ones we thought were watching football, having breakfast, or using the bathroom. We also skipped the ones we remembered as being "not interested" the last time we were there (we wouldn't want to waste Jehovah's valuable time on evil doers). We also suspected that one of the houses on that street is inhabited by an apostate JW. We couldn't remember whether it was either the white house or the blue house on the north side, or if it was the green or brown house on the south side. So, just to be safe, we skipped all of those houses plus a couple of other white houses that might also qualify.
11:50 We've finished the second street. Only about three people were home and none were interested. We walked by the two houses where people were outside mowing their lawns or washing their cars. Wouldn't want to disturb them since they were obviously busy. One of the sisters needs to use a bathroom, so we pile into the car and proceed to the closest McDonalds (they have clean restrooms there). We decide to get coffee and cokes while there. It takes quite a while because we hit the lunchtime crowd.
12:30 One of the sisters says she has a "go back" that she'd like to hit before we end our morning.
12:45 We dump our coffee cups and get back in the car. We drive three miles to complete the return visit.
12:55 No one is home (house looks vacant), but the sister and her companion knocked on the door and waited for about 8 or 9 minutes on the porch just to make sure.
1:05 We head back to the Kindom Hall to get our own cars.
1:20 We notice that some elders have been meeting inside the Hall all morning. They were there when we arrived at 8:30 and remained at the Hall after we left for field service. Long morning of meetings for them We stop to chat with them for a few minutes.
1:30 Leaving the Hall for home. Stop on the way to pick up a couple of grocery items.
2:00 Arrive home and close out our time.
Wow! It's been a long morning. But 5 hours spent in Jehovah's Kingdom Service is always time well spent. I may actually go out in service again later this month so I can get my 10 hours. (BTW - I don't count the time I spend at the Kingdom Hall in the morning. I don't feel like that is really "time spent in service.")
Time for a nap...
a very special request for help - not money - just information!!!.
i normally would not ask this kind of a favor, but this really is important.. i am working with portland area investigators and journalists who are doing research on the whitney heichel /jonathan holt murder case and one other case involving other serious criminal activity.
they are particularly interested in anyone who might have attended kingdom halls in or around gresham and might know some of the members, former jws, or other related contacts in that area.. if you are from that area, or have connections there, please contact me via pm.
shadow -
I'm not sure why you would attack my efforts to help independent investigators get more information about this and other cases in the area.
And, yes! I have an agenda. But I doubt it has anything to do with what you are accusing me of promoting. If you consider yourself an honest-hearted person who cares about the personal safety of Jehovah's Witnesses and their children, you should be offering your support - not trying to accuse me of ulterior motives.
I simply want to connect investigators and journalists to anyone who might be able to provide some background and maybe some leads that have been missed on the Heichl / Holt case and another that involves the same area.
During and after Ms. Heichl's funeral the JW elders, friends and family were all over the local newscasts. Their words were guarded, but always positive toward the Watchtower and the JW members of the local congregations. As sad as this case was, dozens of locals were willing to be interviewed on TV and by the press during the week or two after the case broke. But after the funeral, investigators and reporters have been thwarted in their attempts to get more background information. As expected, the JWs have returned to their usual policy of maintaining a "conspiracy of silence."
That's my agenda. I just want to help the investigators find additional sources so that they can report on the broader story. I have other prominent ex-JWs working on this with me as well. Why? Because we feel it is absolutely imperative that the truth (not "The Truth(TM)") get out.
I would urge any active JW of the Gresham OR Kingdom Hall to please make yourself known and come forward to offer your help in honor of the memory of Whitney Heichl.
a very special request for help - not money - just information!!!.
i normally would not ask this kind of a favor, but this really is important.. i am working with portland area investigators and journalists who are doing research on the whitney heichel /jonathan holt murder case and one other case involving other serious criminal activity.
they are particularly interested in anyone who might have attended kingdom halls in or around gresham and might know some of the members, former jws, or other related contacts in that area.. if you are from that area, or have connections there, please contact me via pm.
I normally would not ask this kind of a favor, but this really is important.
I am working with Portland area investigators and journalists who are doing research on the Whitney Heichel /Jonathan Holt murder case and one other case involving other serious criminal activity. They are particularly interested in anyone who might have attended Kingdom Halls in or around Gresham and might know some of the members, former JWs, or other related contacts in that area.
If you are from that area, or have connections there, please contact me via PM.
If you are currently an Jehovah's Witness attending the Gresham Kingdom Hall and have possibly helpful information, please contact me. Your identity will be protected. Please understand the importance of this case. Do the right thing and come forward if you have anything that might be helpful. Your identity will be protected - guaranteed.
As would be expected, JWs in that area have gone into hiding and for the most part have refused to talk to investigators and journalists.
My guess is that there are a few on this board that either know people in that area who have left or faded that might be able to provide some additional background information to serious, professional journalists and investigators. I know a few members of this board who were from the Portland, OR area and were associated with Meetups there. I live in central Oregon myself, but was not a JW here and have only attended meetings here on a very irregular basis and never at the same Kingdom Hall twice. So I have no personal contacts myself in the Portland area.
You will be dealing with me first, and then, if you have some information that might be helpful, I will put you in contact with the professionals. I will not reveal your identity, contact information, or other specific information - the choice to do that will be left to you if you so decide.
If you know anything or anyone in or near the Gresham, Oregon Kingdom Hall(s), I urge you to please contact me. I will provide my personal email and phone number to you when you PM me. Your identity, location, and contact information will be kept completely confidential. If you have contacts in that area, please ask them to contact me. I will assure them the same level of confidentiality.
I think there are enough members of this board who will vouch for me and my commitment for justice for victims of the Watchtower's mishandling and cover ups, especially involving criminal cases. You can read some of my investigative articles about my research and involvement in the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall takeover and the Candace Conti child abuse court cases at
Those who know me well will confirm that I am absolutely dead serious and totally committed to whatever I become involved in. I just need some help from anyone that might have some information to share.
If you are not from that area, but know someone who is a JW or former JW, please pass this information on to them and ask for their help on behalf of the victims of not just one, but possibly other, shall we say, "less than legal" acts.
You may also contact me by using the website contact forms located on and
I don't want to get over dramatic about this, but if you can help us in any way you may right a wrong and potentially protect someone else from harm.
on the local news in miami on saturday, they reported that they were having funeral services for the two jw's killed in the bus accident at miami airport.
the reporter was standing outside the kh in the westchester area and you could clearly see the sign and the people entering.. they said approximately 750 people were in attendance which tells me that it must be a tri-plex kh like many others down here since there is no way you can put 750 people into a typical kh.
they likely had an audio or possibly an audio and video link into the other two kh's.. they showed the inside of the kh as people were entering.
I wonder if those poor JW families got to hear more than the typical 2-5 minute obit rehash on all those who died in the crash? I wonder if they extended the obit part because of the local press being there? If not, I would love to hear what the local press's reaction was if hardly anything was said about the victims and then they had to sit through another generic 20-minute public talk.
I'd really like to find a way to sneak a camera into a JW funeral. Maybe someday I'll get audio. When I share my own experiences (my parents and other family) with JW funerals with non-JWs, they think I'm exagerating.